New Icelandic Author!
Just purchased Alda Sigmundsdóttir's new e-book, Living Inside The Meltdown, a collection of her interviews with people who have been affected by Iceland's ongoing financial crisis, sometimes referred to as the Kreppa. Alda's interview style is invisible, she lets the people speak for themselves, giving the reader a very personal view of how their lives have been changed. This is an extremely sensitive subject for the normally taciturn Icelanders to deal with, much less speak openly about. The thoughts of Haraldur Sigurðsson, a police officer, are almost unbearably heart-breaking in their sadness and candor. Tryggvi Hannesson, a 75 year old veteran of many prior Icelandic fiscal calamities, lets fly with a lengthy tirade, most of which I suspect is 100% accurate.
The others in the book have been and are being affected in different ways, but not without a few glimmers of hope- a return to more basic values, less materialism (or perhaps that's just a rationalization for not having money to spend) and more openness in what has been a very closed society.
You can order Alda's book through her website, The Iceland Weather Report. Her blog has been the best English language Icelandic website for many years; she has been my inspiration since 2004.
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