Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

For those of you who have an appreciation for the writing of Halldór Laxness, especially Independent People and Salka Valka, Cornell University has put their archive of the photos of Frederick W. Howell, Magnús Ólafsson, and Henry A. Perkins on Flickr. Taken circa 1900, these views of the land and the people of Iceland give another dimension to those stories.

Via Ólafur Arnalds.
More on Halldor Laxness at Laxness in Translation
Shannon said...
mary said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Incredible. Thank you for posting!
Thank you, it certainly helps with 'Independent People'.
A very touching was when the heroine went to the city dressed in her mother's old dress and the young fashionable ones laughed at her
Now I am going have to read it again!
Increíble esa foto de las mujeres trabjando el pesaco, tal como en la novela Salka Valka. Muchas gracias por dar a conocer esas fotos tan interesantes.
*trabajando *pescado
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