Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Hiatus

Summertime, and the livin' is easy..."

...and the blogging is not, I'm sorry to say. Too many summer projects, too much gorgeous summer weather, and too much daylight after dinner. I'll be back come September, with all-new posts (as if!) and other whimsy (ha-ha!)

In the interim, I'll leave you with some of my favorite new links (check out the sidebar for more):

  • Tywkiwdbi, high quality ephemera...
  • Geoff Manaugh, BLDGBLOG- social design issues...
  • Genomicon, crowd-sourcing intelligent design...
  • Some Chilean Woman, down-to-earth and earthy...
  • TPUTH, irreverent news skimmer...

    See ya later...

    (But I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sharon Spotbottom would make an occasional appearance between now and then... )

    UPDATE: Annie is posting to her blog again! One of my all-time favorites (and winner of the 2009 Irish Blog Award for "Best Personal Blog"). She's also got a book out, which, IMHO, should be adapted for a movie- I mean, if the mopey Morvern Callar got made into a film, Annie's To the Left of the Midwest  should win an Oscar.

    UPDATE: My favorite Icelandic girl-group, Pascal Pinon, has started a blog about their current recording project. They've been signed to a German label!
  • By Professor Batty


    Anonymous Jon said...

    If you find your way up the North Shore, stop on in! I'm not hard to find.

    Blogger Professor Batty said...

    I don't know if we'll make it up to Barbara and Ted Young's place this year, lots of stuff going on this summer... maybe in September or early October.

    Blogger Some Chilean Woman said...

    Thanks for the mention!

    I saw a video about Iceland today and I posted on my blog just for you. I'm sure you've already seen it, but hey!

    Blogger Mary said...

    I will miss reading your daily blog updates but will look forward to your return. BTW, my radio station wants me to do some interviews at Airwaves.

    Blogger Wim Van Hooste said...

    Enjoy your summer holiday.
    My blog is going on a hiatus in 2 weeks, for 2 weeks.
    Cleaning up my head, my Iceland room. Maybe I'll finish my top 100 of Best Icelandic songs/albums during this break.
    I will also change the frequency of posting (summer or after Airwaves 2010?). Probably it will be updated once a week/maybe as a sort of newsletter.

    Blogger Minnesotastan said...

    I like your blog, especially the very clean design and the wide central column. And the insights into what's going on back in Minnesota. I'll be back for visits in the future.


    Blogger Professor Batty said...

    Some Chilean Woman ~ A great video!

    Mary ~ I'll email you a list of people who might be interesting interviewees...

    Wim ~ I can't believe the amount of information you turn out almost every day, I feel like a slacker in comparison.

    Stan ~ Thanks, my blog is optimized for a Mac, I've never been able to get a look I like on a PC. My posts are cluttered enough without my format getting in the way. I like to put 800px wide images up.

    I'm amazed at the amount of stuff on your site as well.

    Blogger Heiða said...

    I just realized my blog looks a little bit like yours now, at least it is gray too! Really didn't think of it, or wanted to copy it (well not intentionally anyway). But it looks so soothing now, I'm gonna keep it like that for a while (if you have no objections) Merry summer, professor (and yes, Hellvar plays upstate N.Y. in the beginning of August, in Hudson, if you wanna come)!

    Blogger Professor Batty said...

    Heiða ~ Is gray the new black? Or am I stirring gray into black?

    Blogger Annie said...

    Aw Batty, thanks so much. We'd get Michael Caine to play you, how about that?

    Blogger Professor Batty said...

    Annie ~ I was hoping for George Clooney! ;-)

    Anonymous Rose said...

    OMG! You can do that? You can do that! I was so busy working on my music before the trip that I couldn't blog. So I felt guilty. I read that you were taking a Summer Hiatus--which I assumed meant that you'd be gone for a week or two, then back to blogging. So I felt guilty. I came home (less than two days ago), and haven't blogged yet, and feel guilty. Until I checked out your blog to catch up, and find you're off for the summer! What a concept! I could do that! Thanks, Professor, I don't feel guilty! Maybe we can catch up on the phone?

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