Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How I Spent My Summer Hiatus #1

Well, it's becoming more and more obvious that I can't stay away from posting, so I'm back, sort of, with more indiscrimminate bloggery.

One thing which was on my summer agenda was a trip to the newest temple to the "twin" gods of athletics and commerce, Target Field in downtown Minneapolis. It was more of a trial than a recreation. For $300+ million I would think you'd be able to see the whole field from all of the seats. The gigantic TV scoreboard was filled with lots and lots of video (although if you were in the outfield you couldn't see it) and non-stop yammering over the PA, except when interrupted by jingoistic anthems. And no organist to surprise you with a clever performance of a novelty tune, just some lame audio samples.

It actually made me nostalgic for the old Metrodome, especially on a week-night in the early 80's, when the team wasn't very good and the place would be nearly empty. The ballplayers seemed more focused; the game was the thing then, not just a premise for marketing.

Still, baseball was played, the home team lost, but I really think we all were the losers.

I did dig the catcher for the visiting team, however.

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you here, Prof. I've been to a few games a Target Field, and I loved it from the first. I love the local color and adoration of baseball diplayed in this temple. It's beautiful, comfortable, fun--what more can I ask? Nothing will make me miss the Dome. It was like watching a baseball game in a warehouse. I went to many games there, had season tix, saw the glorious "Game 6" there, and will not miss anything about it, (except getting blown out the doors by the air pressure when leaving.) For every opinion, there is a counter-opinion I guess.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The Target field "experience", that is to say all those non-baseball activities which occur during the game, seems to me to be an amplification of the bad trends which developed over the life of the Metrodome, especially the constant barrage of the PA system. The building itself, except for the outfield seating (which is now much worse), is wonderful.

Ronnie Newman (the old organist) may have been a little corny, but he was fun to listen to, with lots of musical surprises. His role was gradually diminished at the Dome- the first few years he played a lot. There are only ads and programmed music now.

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Sometimes minor league ball is more fun for just the reasons you brought up. We lost our AAA team in Richmond, but have a new A team. I'm looking forward to paying them a visit in a couple of weeks when our nephew is in town. Isn't that the point of out-of-town visitors--to get you to go to the places "at home" that you never seem to get to otherwise?

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

p.s. I'm glad that Sharon is having a good summer vacation. Nice to see her again.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Rose ~ There is still "town ball" played around the state, much fun, no hassles.

Sharon is looking good in that uni but she's only batting .239!

Blogger Sharon Spotbottom said...

Oh Batty. What can i say?!!!!!
Amazing placement and seamless integration:)))

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Sharon ~ Once again, Sharon proves that she can't be beat!

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