Thursday, April 07, 2011

Wild Dreams...

Too much mental activity in the evening makes for wild dreams at night. It's as if my brain is trying to violently unwind after being on overload. Last night's escapades included a melancholy fortune teller, punk-rock bands playing to an audience of sleeping bags, and dozens of people vomiting in perfect unison- and that was in just the last few minutes before I awoke!

I can hardly wait for bed tonight.

I'll have a post about what I've been so frantically working on next week...

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Caroline said...

The last time you mentioned vomiting was related to Sylvia Plath. What triggers these dreams I wonder... I'll have to wait and find out.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The only way those dreams could have been any stranger is if Sylvia had shown up in them!

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