Head Shots: NYC

Found art.
With the advent of digital cameras and memory-based image storage, one would think that the era of finding a "stash" of photos in a thrift store would be over. Evidently not. I've picked up a couple of used digital cameras in the last few months for the memory cards they contained. It's nice to have a spare or two for transferring the occasional file from one computer or camera to another. Both of the cameras were full of images! I suppose the cameras broke and the owners didn't think to erase the card (or didn't have a computer with an SD lot.)
The above pictures are from a trip to New York City, evidently from a child's viewpoint. There's a definite head theme going on in the lower corners (there were others with a similar composition as well.) If these are your images, let me know and I'll return your card.
You've got a future in conceptual art.
oroboros said...
Professor Batty said...
Heiða said...
Professor Batty said...
Who woulda thunk it! Clever reaping, Prof.!
Stop me when I start to bring home old hard drives...
These are great! Very artistic indead
Art is all around!
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