Monday, June 06, 2011

When Cars Had Tits

The automobile is a highly designed object, with a visual language that has evolved over decades to illustrate the consistent progression of contemporary aesthetic concerns and priorities.

~ The Culture Engine
Usually referred to less vulgarly as Dagmar Bumpers, these conical protuberances were featured on a variety of makes and models of cars in the 1950's. Perhaps they were a post-war collective subconscious fertility symbol, a mix of destruction (bombs) and nurturing (boobs). Woe be to the pedestrian who ran afoul of these lethal weapons- the power of iconography made manifest. With the dawning of the sixties the era of anthropomorphic cars was over.

In the seventies, the "Car Bra" became popular. It's probably a good thing that these two eras didn't overlap.

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Jon said...

OMG! My mind just filled with vintage cars and era correct brassieres.

Anonymous Nicole said...

Perfect timing, you know the big Back to the 50s show is only a few weeks away!! Thousands of Boob Cars for you viewing pleasure... :)

Anonymous NormanLake said...

The tail fins on some of the behemoth Cadillacs were even MORE lethal, I recall nearly being impaled on the fins of an early sixties Caddy...

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Jon~ curb feelers will keep your mind out of the gutter...

Nicole~ So that's why you go every year!

NormanLake~ Unsafe at any speed- even in reverse!

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