Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let it Rain

Finally. It's been seven months since we've had any real rainfall at Flippist World Headquarters. Even our snowfalls this winter were on the skimpy side- I only shoveled twice, neither time memorable. A good old summer thunderstorm came through about an hour ago, (about three months early) and I can hear another wave rolling in. In the sand pit I call home it could rain every day for a month and we'd dry out the very next day.

Of all the weather we get (except for tornadoes) drought is the most worrisome. Not that worrying helps any. Drought = death and what's even worse- drought = boring.

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Dave said...

Was sitting at a windowside table at Erte last night as the storm rolled in. Lightning flashes and all, it made me remember how much I have missed a good summer thunderstorm - this coming on the eve of the first day of spring. Wonderful!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The lightning gets the frost out of the ground, so I've heard...

Blogger Mary said...

Very dry here in California, too - finally getting some good storms off the Pacific in the last week or two. Oh, how I miss lightening storms - we almost never get them here.

Blogger Jono said...

We are getting it up here today. Just a nice gentle soaker, though. The ground is actually thawed enough to absorb most of it!

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