
Too busy to write. Fixing up the Master bedroom, the room we spend the most time in, hasn't been finished for 27 years!
It will be- by this weekend.
The walls and floor are done.
Trim tomorrow and Friday.
Put everything back, Saturday... hopefully.
oroboros said...
Professor Batty said...
Some Chilean Woman said...
Jono said...
Professor Batty said...
Niranjana said...
Professor Batty said...
Niranjana (Brown Paper) said...
Professor Batty said...
Lookin' good, Prof. Be sure and install wall-to-wall carpeting to keep it pristine! :o)
Yeah- with those nailed in tack strips around the perimeter!
I love it!!! Congrats!
Did you use the principles of Feng Shui?
I suscribe to the ancient oriental philosophy of
Men Ards
May we see a picture of the finished room?
Your wish is my command...
Very pretty! Love the light. And how white the sheets are. And that you posted those pictures exactly eight years ago to the day.
Uh... what year is it?
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