Monday, October 08, 2012

Lazy Sunday

More time spent at Kolaportið. People watching at its finest:

From Iceland 2012

The Weaver told me to send more pictures of yummy Icelandic food:

Went to the pool, where I was treated to sun, sleet and rain. In other words: regular Icelandic weather. Afterwards, I hung out in a small bar, a thing which I almost never do. Very low key, no neon beer signs, and a very quiet crowd, it could become a bad habit:

Took more pictures after dinner. It was fairly chilly tonight, but should warm up a bit for the rest of the week.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Have you been delegated to any yarn buying missions? Have you had any good fresh fish? Have you seen any Northern Lights?

Blogger Professor Batty said...

I haven't bought any yarn yet, I have been enjoying Fiskiklattar Nýjung (Fish Cakes) for lunch, and the auroras have been quiet. It has been fairly cloudy, it should clear up towards the end of the week.

Blogger Jono said...

Do what you can to clear up the weather and I will see what I can do about a solar flare.

Anonymous Auður - I heart Reykjavík said...

You are not supposed to take photos in Ölstofan you know... you're lucky you were there when it was still bright, a bouncer might have kicked you out! :)

Blogger Shoshanah Marohn said...

As usual, I feel as if I am with you at times! Such photographs! I had to comment because of the pig head, although I have not much to say about it. It was just so unexpected!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The man running this stall motioned for me to come over and take a picture- he was quite proud of that pig!

Blogger Shoshanah Marohn said...

My friend Maria is from Mexico. As a little girl, she used to get the pig's head, for free, from the butcher, because no one wanted it, and then she would go from door to door and sell it, "Pig's head! Good for tomales! Pig's head!" She said it was best to carry it by hooking your finger through the eye hole. She always made money selling the pig's head.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

That snout does look tasty!

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