Friday, October 12, 2012

Nótt og dag og nótt

Wednesday: rain. All day. Not exactly a deluge, but one could get quite wet with no trouble at all. There was a show at Faktorý (formerly Grand Rokk) in the evening, so I wandered out in my raincoat. As I strolled to the club I was tempted by the sight of this tableaux to get my own  Icelandic "souvenir:"

Reykjavík Ink, Tattoo Parlor

I have been in this club many times, but never when it felt so "tropical" (heat and humidity) as it did last night. I've been meaning to catch the techno/goth trio Samaris for some time (they don't tour much, being in high school) and was duly impressed by their spooky vibe:

It did rain off and on throughout the night but by Thursday morning the weather broke clear over the "hood":

I was out and about: the pool, Friða Frænka antiques, Nautholsvík, and, when it started to sprinkle again, I headed for the safety of Kríngland, the big shopping center. I was tempted by some sushi, but knew I would be going out to eat later tonight:

My destination—Dill! Not the herb (although there was plenty of that) but the Restaurant in the Alvar Aalto designed Nordic House in Reykjavík:

Seven courses of food and six courses of wine (plus a little Icelandic IPA thrown in.) This "warm potato salad" was nothing like my mother used to make:

Finally, two courses of dessert, including this delight "made with blueberries from Þingvellir":

Of course.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Jono said...

And I had to spend some time at the Miller Hill Mall in Duluth. Yippee skippee. Then 2-1/2 hours of deer dodging on Hwy 61. I would have traded body parts to be where you were.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The food court at Kríngland is disturbingly similar to the one in Miller Hill Mall.

Dill on the other hand, is most unique.

Dylan should have written about the deer hazards on Highway 61.

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Did you bike over to Nautholsvík? I assume you can't swim there this time of year, or are the pools open?

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Yes I did, and you can swim there!
The thermal pool is open limited hours to revive those who swim in the bay. The immediate area around Nautholsvík has changed dramatically since I was last there (in 2004), but the beach is still the same.

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