Friday, November 02, 2012

Iceland Airwaves 2012

Pascal Pinon, Eld Hús, Reykjavik, Inspired by Iceland

I thought I was going to skip posting about Iceland Airwaves this year, but I just can't help it. The above screenshot is from "The smallest off-venue" from the event, a tiny house in the center of Reykjavík which holds about 8 people max, including the performers. You can see the whole performance here.

There is a great photo gallery of the first night at Iðno at The Line of Best Fit, and a glowing review of Pascal Pinon has been posted at the Reykjavík Grapevine Airwaves coverage.

I've occasionally wondered if it was some strange elfin magic which first attracted me to these talented siblings in 2009.

I'm not wondering anymore, and there are more sisters on the way.

Sharon will return next Friday.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Jono said...

I have always enjoyed family singing. There is an interesting sound that blends in a very distinctive (genetic?)way. Think of the Everly Brothers, Beach Boys, Roches, Rankin Family Band, and others. They all seemed just a little tighter.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I'm now thinking that if they move Airwaves back a few weeks next year I just might have to go!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Jono ~ sometimes it can be downright spooky - The Carters and the Louvin brothers, and all the family groups on the Harry Smith Anthology.

IRBII ~ They really paid the price in bad weather this year.

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