Searching for Frances Bruno, Redux
In June I posted about some documents I discovered at a flea market. Yesterday, at a different sale, I saw the same vendor and found some postcards (torn from a scrapbook) which also concerned "Franny". Frances Bruno was a skater in the Holiday on Ice shows of the post-war 1940s. They were evidently sent to a sister and are a record of her time with the show, as well as one each from two different men—perhaps her brothers. The cards, along with their messages:

To Mrs. A. Bruno (Bruno overwritten Brand), St. Paul, Minn. Postmarked Oct 27 1946, Columbus, Ohio:
Hello, Well I saw Minn. get skunked by Ohio. We couldn't buy tickets they were sold out. Then the night before the game one of the show's owners from Mpls. passed out 40 tickets to kids in the show. Shirly & I got one cause we were from Minn. They were $3.50 tickets on the 40-50 yard line, perfect seats. It sure was nice. Bye now, Fran

To Miss Frances Bruno, c/o Holiday on Ice,
Dear Fran, I received your letter yesterday & was a little surprised. Well kid, I'll give you a clue, I got me a ship last Mon. but we'll be around here for a while yet. We are (in) dock, won't you please write again, Love Carl
SS Cape Lilibeo c/o Lykes Bros SS Inc. N.O. La

To Mrs. A Bruno (overwritten Brand), St Paul Minn. Postmarked Mar 31 1947, New Orleans, La:
Hi! Believe it or not, but this is what it looks like here. Flowers all over, lovely yards, etc. I was with Carl & Fritz today again - really had a good time. New Orleans sure is a place to see! Love, FranTo Mrs. A Bruno (overwritten Brand), St. Paul, Minn. Postmarked Oct 3 1947, Columbus Ohio:
Hello. Well this is our town! Nigel is here. We leave for Cincinnati in the morning. Address my mail to Cincinnati Music Hall—Cincinnati Ohio. Bye Love Fran

To Miss Frances Bruno, Holiday on Ice Show, Auditorium, Memphis Tennessee. Postmarked Feb 2, 1948, Columbus, Ohio:
Hi Franny. We're moving around about as much as you are. We beat Northwestern 53-37 on Sat and hope to beat Ohio State tonight. Hope you enjoy Georgia. Whiz
The 47-48 basketball Gophers featured future Minneapolis Lakers star and NFL Vikings coach Bud Grant, no record of "Whiz" available.
Anonymous said...
I am writing you from the Plymouth Adult community Center in Plymouth Wisconsin. I am contacting you to find information about Frances Bruno. Sybil Winter was a skating partner with Frances in the 40's. Sybil and Frances purchased diamonds in Rio during a skating event. Sybil is interested in finding Frances and reconect with her. Is there a way you could contact us for more information?
Thank you,
Plymouth Adult Community Center
Plymouth, WI
Susan Wenzel
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