Thursday, November 14, 2013

Terra Incomprehendia

The best for last.

The best what is really the question.

After a morning spent at The Brown Sheep Company, the Weaver and I drove all day along famous Highway 2 through the Sandhills of Nebraska. Really quite beautiful, it would be fun to go back and devote some serious time to capturing them in photographs. Our destination was The Farwell Arms, a B&B in the microscopic town of Farwell. It was nearly dark by the time we arrived, but the proprietors Joseph & Tina Standeven were waiting for us. The place was OTT in all aspects. Every wall, floor, nook and cranny was filled with antiques or decorative collectables. There were dozens and dozen of old radios, art prints, furniture and other esoterica everywhere. Tina proudly showed us her three kitchens, regaling us nonstop with stories about the house, the town, the mating of her dog(!) and whatever else came through her unfiltered consciousness.

She’s a treasure.

We had the basement suite— big enough for a family of six plus a baby, it was truly a home away from home.

After dinner (which Tina made in one of her kitchens) I went for a stroll around town; there aren’t many places with a population of under 100 which have their own appliance store:

They used to have a hardware store as well, but it had recently closed (“The owner was a bit of ladies man”, said Tina). In the morning, after another hearty breakfast, we got to meet the Ladies of Tina’s church group, who stopped in just to see us off! (Not really.)

We spent the rest of the day in the car—nearly ten hours—when we finally did make it home we were glad to be off the roads. Our plan to avoid the freeways had paid off with many memorable moments which we would have missed  otherwise.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Jono said...

Off the beaten path is usually a good direction to go.

Blogger Mary said...

I really enjoyed reading about your trip. The photos are wonderful.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

This worked out pretty well for a trip combining business and pleasure. "Flyoverland" has its charms, sometimes they are hidden.

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