- 8°
Another attack of cabin fever. Eight degrees below zero and dropping. Heading out in the trusty Battymobile, braving the elements to catch up with some old friends at The Sociable Cider Werks brew pub:

The pub was in the middle of an industrial area but there were plenty of people out on this cold evening. Most of the people kept their jackets on; the pub was really just a glorified garage. The brews were all cider, although hopped like beer. The tunes were hot, however, as The Rich Lewis Trio fit right in with the industrial decor:

Between sets we swapped snow shoveling horror stories:

Were this trend of colder weather to continue, the temperature on my next pub crawl will be a bracing -18°!
(All temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.)
oroboros said...
Professor Batty said...
oroboros said...
Good weather for porter or Guiness stout. Trippy to see everybody so bundled up indoors; first thing I noticed before reading your text.
I once experienced -30F with about 30 knots of wind in North Dakota; -80 chill factor. It was warmer at 39,000 feet where we leveled for the return to SoCal where it was 80F when we landed at Norton AFB. 160-degree change. One of those never-forget USAF missions.
It was about 60° in the pub, no one seemed to mind the temp, except when you had to go outside to the food truck!
Ah! Mystery solved. I wondered about the food in view, figuring that if there was a kitchen it would warm the place enough to make bundling up unnecessary. So...the "kitchen" was outdoors.
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