Superb Owl
Notification is the word of the week.
I was notified of a "fraud action" in my credit card account a few weeks ago, it took several calls and three new cards to get it straightened out—the first replacement card had been sent to the address of a registered sex offender in Texas! It’s been a week now and things have seemed to have settled down. Whether this was a result of the Target security breach or not, it was a bit scary.
One series of notifications I didn’t appreciate was from Twitter. I had a Twitter account years ago, when it was just starting to gain traction, but I never quite “got” it. Ditto for FB and Linkedin. Recently I was intrigued by the literary site Medium so I signed up for the service—registration required a Twitter account. I had been following a few people on Twitter already, so I thought I’d give it a try. I was still a bit leery, so I used my “junk” email address to sign up. About the same time, I started using my MacBook's Mail notifications. I hadn’t used that feature in the past but now it seemed to be a good idea.
Big mistake.
I started getting emails from Twitter, notifying me of not just those twitterers I followed, but also a bunch of other “suggested” tweets from people I didn’t know, and didn’t care to know. Spam is bad enough without inviting it in so I cancelled it again. Twitter me not.
On a somewhat related note, I deleted my YouTube account. While hardly the most watched channel, I did have some videos which featured musical performances. With recent witch hunts by BIG MUSIC in the news I couldn’t see any upside in allowing my posts to be under this kind of scrutiny. Another factor was YouTube’s constant “notifications” to enroll me in Google+, yet another “service” with no upside for me.
I did embrace some digital technology, however, by getting my very first cell phone last week! I had resisted for years, but have finally accepted that when I am out and about, especially on my little travel adventures, it might be a lifesaver. I narrowed my choices down to a iPhone 5s (more chances of notifications) or a cheesy flip-phone (with no internet access). When I ran the numbers for cost of ownership for two years the iPhone was about two grand (at least!), while the flip-phone would be about two hundred. I’d say that's a no-brainer.
Now if I start getting notifications on my little "flippist fone" (whose number only members of my family know) I will be really bummed.
Jono said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Things are getting a bit too complicated. I have a Tracfone that I use if and when I travel, but cell phones don't work at my house so it's not much good for anything else. At least it's cheap.
My daughter is very proud of her flip phone. However, she spends about 9 hours a day in a free wifi environment--so her flip phone is smarter than it should be--and then often tethers to our phones in off hours, so she often gets the advantages of a data plan without the cost.The vintage looks appeals to her, too.
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