Monday, September 15, 2014

Seasonal Shift

As the earth rotates the sun, creating the seasons, so goes my closet as well. All the Hawaiian shirts, my usual summer fare, have been laundered and placed at the far end of the rack while the coveted “center position” is now occupied by wool shirts, hoodies and long sleeves.  Perched above are the lords of the haberdashery: the sweaters. They pay for themselves in savings on the heating bill by allowing the comfortable household temperature to be set considerably lower.

Around the yard, we had a frost scare Friday night, but the long term looks seasonably warm until the middle of October, giving the tomatoes a reprieve and postponing the annual transplanting of the Norfolk Island Pine, an odd choice for a houseplant (being nearly six feet tall and four feet across) but I've “bonded” with it; I’d hate to see it freeze to death. It really has grown too big for Flippist World Headquarters; it may have to reside in the basement (Flippist World Hindquarters) and make do with a grow light.

Jono’s hummingbirds made an appearance here yesterday—no doubt on their way to a warmer clime.  The school kids have been flocking as well, this year their bus stops on our corner so our mornings are filled with the chirpings of elementary students.  I don’t mind these changes, as Lois Lenski would say: “Now it’s fall, just the nicest time of all.”

By Professor Batty


Blogger Jono said...

Yup! I'm wearing heavier shirts already. And there are STILL some straggler hummingbirds. They must be coming from the Arctic to be this late.

Blogger Mary said...

A friend (Chicago native) and I (Pennsylvania native) were recently talking about how in California you don't have to do a seasonal closet shifting..

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Jono ~ only a few weeks ago we were at the Trail center wearing short sleeves.

Mary ~ I've spent some time in the Caribbean and in Hawaii, I think I'd go nuts wearing the same kinds of clothes all year round.

Blogger Shoshanah Marohn said...

I have a Norfolk Pine, too, grown to about five inches from the ceiling. I might have to move it to the dining room, by the stairway, soon, where the ceiling is higher. I got it twenty years ago at City Market in Durango when it was four inches tall. We decorate it ever year for Christmas, thus saving another tree from certain death. In that sense, it's not the most impractical houseplant you could have- especially if you have a child who expects a Christmas tree each year.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

In some odd way I feel that I've 'bonded' with that tree. I let it thrive outdoors in the summer, it seems happy there.

Blogger Shoshanah Marohn said...

It probably is happy.

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