
More aggravation from my overlords at Google/Blogspot.
They think I should change the formatting of all 2778 FITK posts so they would be more 'mobile-friendly.' My robots evidently don't play well with others either.
After plowing through multiple pages of gobbledy-gook, I know less than when I started.
Knowing how easy it to corrupt my template, I let it be. If someone using a mobile phone is too lazy to take a split-second to resize Flippism is the Key, they would be to lazy to read what I wrote or to appreciate the highly cultivated aesthetic of my illustrations. From time to time, I'll stop in at the Apple store to make sure my blogs look OK on a variety of devices. I've had no complaints. I'm not going to go back to the old days of dial-up with its tiny images and limited fonts. I spend a lot of time making FITK look the way it does, if someone doesn't appreciate it, that’s fine with me.
Flippism is the Key shall remain as it is, in all its 900 pixel-width glory, at least until May 1st, when my image hosting service, Picasa, is converted to the optimized-for-mobile Google Photos.
Just for fun, I'll re-enter the previous paragraph in a 'mobile-friendly' font:
Flippism is the Key shall remain as it is, in all its 900 pixel-width glory, at least until May 1st, when my image hosting service, Picasa, is converted to the optimized-for-mobile Google Photos.
Just for fun, here's a 'mobile-friendly' picture of my camera:

I did add some recommended code (set within <> ) to my template:
meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"
and it made it worse!
Jono said...
Iceland Eyes said...
Shoshanah Marohn said...
Professor Batty said...
I'm so happy Google wants to "improve" things. I'm lucky I can still access my own account. They tried to "improve" that, too. If everyone expects a visual delight on their tiny cell phones who are we to question them?
Wow, this is so synchronistic-y! I JUST wrote about this same thieme. Go check out my latest post on being a blog dinosaur haha. Google's been bugging me too about 404 redirects and via that I found out that my whole 700+ archive has been scraped and reposted on other click-bait blogs. I'm considering Wordpress, or maybe just a nice Strikingly blog. I read somewhere that Google isn't modernizing Blogger because they don't make any Ka-Ching$$ from it :P
I read this on my phone! WTF? Totally fine.
I like it when you get all fired up like this, Batty. You go! You do what you fucking want!
Seriously, it's really nice the way it is. I agree with you whole-heartedly.
Jono ~ Google actually improved Blogger when they bought it in 2006. Since then nada.
Iceland Eyes ~ we really are in sync—I just finished writing a comment to your latest post (covering this as well as other things,) and then found your comment.
SLM ~ All you have to do is enlarge it a little, takes less than a second! P.S. I'm going to be out of town, so I won't be ordering your latest book until I get back.
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