Pink Guitar Redux
Another guitar with no real reason to exist, this demented double neck has the capability of all the pickups operating at once. The two volume knobs control neck and bridge pickup pairs respectively, while the single tone knob is the master for all pickups. The long neck is tuned to the standard E-E, the short neck is tuned A-A, a fourth higher.
By tuning the standard neck to an open tuning, at high volume the higher pitched chords on the small neck are complemented by various drones or other open notes on the long neck, or vice versa. Both necks and their tuners are 'genuine’ made in Indonesia Fender, the body is MIC (from Guitar Fetish), as are the pickups and other hardware. This originally had two standard necks, but this option is much more versatile. Heavy, but not ridiculously so. That said, it might be better to sit down when playing this.
Lots of barely-controllable fun. Might be a good ax for conjoined twins or even an erotic duet with a simpatico partner. The possibilities, while not exactly endless, are intriguing…
Jono said...
Professor Batty said...
shoshanah said...
I always wanted a 6/12, but a bass or mandolin neck would make some sense. Never thought of different scale/tuning variations. I need to think outside the box more.
Now with video!
I like how it makes you sound like two people!
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