This is a milestone for Flippism is the Key.
The three thousandth post!*
Thanks again to all the readers, long time and occasional, I hope that your time here has not been spent in vain.
Thanks to the contributors (listed on the Welcome Page), inspirations all.
Thanks to all those bloggers who continue to publish original material.
Thanks to Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn and Tim Berners-Lee, as well as the numerous other people who have contributed to making the internet possible. In spite of its flaws, which are in reality just the flaws of humanity, it has helped bring people of the world together. The idea of an open internet is under attack, an attack that, if successful, would obliterate sites such as these as well as any others that weren’t under the thumb of big business. For a bitter foretaste of that future:

via reddit
*Some of the posts are index pages and re-runs, but hey, who’s counting?
oroboros said...
Professor Batty said...
Congrats, Prof! Quite a legacy....
At this rate, I'll be over 80 by the time I hit 6000!
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