Monday, November 13, 2017

My Old School - III

Looking a little closer at my old junior high's floor plan, you will notice to the left of the Band and Chorus rooms a undesignated space. This was used for a variety of functions: staging for auditorium shows, special events, even polio vaccine clinics. For those who never experienced a mass vaccination (could that even happen now?) when the polio vaccines were first perfected, there were mass inoculations. The Salk vaccine was  administered via an injection, there had to be a medical staff on hand. Later, the Sabin oral vaccines were developed and could be done in an informal setting, such as the above mentioned hall.

But the thing I most remember about this area is its use as a dance hall during lunch periods. It was generally pretty low-key, although there could be problems at times.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Jono said...

I remember getting the oral vaccine on a sugar cube. I hoped all future vaccines would be delivered in this manner. I was wrong.

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