Whiteman Sings the Blues

“Can Blue Men sing the Whites or are they hypocrites for singing woo-hoo… ”After 30 years I finally decided to put vinyl siding on my garage. It was shethed in painted plywood and. frankly, it was looking pretty shabby—the paint was flaking off and I wasn’t in the mood to scrape it all off and start over. A sale at the local “home improvement” center tipped the deal. My biggest beef with vinyl siding is that it looks so bad but some newer styles don’t show the seams like the old stuff. We’ll see if it can handle a hail storm.
I didn’t stop there.
I had been looking into pressure washers for a long time. My driveway/patio has been neglected for as long as the garage. While looking at the Amazon reviews, I actually found a review from someone I knew. He had owned several previously and he thought this AR Blue Clean was the best one yet, so I bought it:

We had one warm day this week and I used it to clean off the worst of the gunk from our concrete. It worked as promised, although the real revelation was in using it to edge my sidewalks. I’ll never spade again!
I’ve joined the dark side of suburban consumerism, I’m afraid.
As per the quote above:
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