Friday, May 03, 2019

Home on the Range

Wherein the professor’s foray into consumerism continues.

It seems as if the torrent of durable goods flowing into Flippist World Headquarters is inexhaustible.  Perhaps the situation is more accurately described as “catching up.” Most of the things in the household have been replaced in its thirty-five years of existence, some of them more than once.

Not so the gas range—the modern hearth—which has been soldiering on, repaired multiple times, and finally given up on. The new one, pictured above, is definitely more modern that the older one, with some features that do make a difference in the preparation of food: five burners—each with different outputs that can burn both hotter or cooler than the old ones, electronic oven temperature controls and, most notably, the entire stove top is made up of grates, an improvement(?) that requires some thought as to the placement of pots and pans (and griddles.) The timer chime is actually worse than the old one, almost inaudible to anyone with even mild hearing loss.

I think we’re done with home improvements for now, at least for a while. Any thing further would be conspicuous consumption.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Mary said...

We have had to do a lot of replacements lately, too. As i say to my husband, at least we have outlived our appliances.....

Blogger jono said...

Very nice!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

The new range is actually a real improvement, which is more than I can say for our various other major appliances.

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