Wednesday, August 21, 2019

2019 Fair Fine Arts Preview

My, my, how quickly doth the days fly by.

It seems like only yesterday that I was attending the Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Preview Night.

Oh. It was yesterday.

Some rough impressions of this year’s exhibit (click on images to embiggen):

While sculpture is always strong at the fair, Lester Hoikka’s 21st Century Nude Reclining is even better in 3-D (cross eyes for 3-D effect):

My old pal Nicole Houff, Barbie™ photographer, was back—this time with 3 Kens (and a Kip):

Karen Brown’s Foxy is a scary look at pre-adolescence, while Nathan Wagoner’s drawing Asa Nisi Masa looked as if it has been executed in 1918, not 2018:

Of all the photography, I probably enjoyed Tiffany Bolk’s Lost & Found the most:

And Pallavi Sharma (shown with her model Maricella Herrera on the left) was the multi-cultural hit of the show, with the gentleman (evidently a stranger) posing with the two:

Once again, the “no nipples in photographs rule” was in force. The closest it came to being broken was in the image of the 3 topless Kens, who don’t have nipples either!

This rule does not apply to any other medium, of course, and there were plenty in painting and sculpture.

And, as usual, lots of chickens, horses, dogs and images of Iceland.

I think I’ll have to enter one of my “Bubbleworld” photos next year, just to be contrary.

Check out my other Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts reviews.

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Nicole Houff said...

No nipples, that’s give least concerning of what Ken DOESN’T have ;)

And I had to chuckle: a friend of mine posted some Preview Night pics on social, including a snap of my Kens, to which a fellow artist snapped “who the heck is judging this??” - I openly laughed. In true MN nice fashion he deleted the comment when he saw I was tagged in the post...

I digress, I was so happy to see you both last night!!!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Poor Ken…

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