Sandhill Cranes
These magnificent birds were once on the path to extinction but conservation efforts have seen their numbers grow:
4 to 5 feet high, with a wingspan of up to 7 feet, they are graceful and efficient flyers: About twenty miles north of Flippist World Headquarters is a sand dunes nature area where, in October, you can catch them flying in formation as they return to their roosting areas every evening, gathering in preparation for their annual migration.
They have a burbling cry as they fly, the patterns of their formations are almost hypnotic: Click through pictures to embiggen.
jono said...
Mary said...
Professor Batty said...
About 15 or 20 years ago I started seeing them up here just passing through. Now they are nesting regularly. They remind me of pterodactyls I have seen in natural history museums, only prettier.
I try to go see them in California’s Central Valley every winter. What a thrill! Some people describe their call as “gargling “.
I have a niece who abhors their call.
I wonder if their call has ever made it into the soundtrack of a horror/space alien movie?
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