Wednesday, August 24, 2022

2022 Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Preview

A sure sign of the end of summer is the arrival of the Minnesota State Fair. A prelude to the fair is the Fine Arts Preview where aspiring (and often perspiring) artist and their friends and families can see the new crop of “fine” artworks by Minnesota residents.
Kathy Grundei poses next to her collage Kansas City Mo

This year’s offerings were underwhelming, with a few exceptions: Greta Sandquist’s sublime painting Ethos Meets Reality was a standout, as was Steve Thomas’ elegant retro Happy Trails screen print:
Nicole Houff (and SO) and this years Barbie image—bigger and better than ever:
I liked Glen Mckillips’ Predator sculpture as well as Alekz Thoms bittersweet embroidery Hours Without You:
There was even a bit of humor in this weaving:
It always seems as if the best imagery lies just outside the exhibit doors, where the slumbering fair attractions entice:
I probably won’t be attending the Fair Proper this year as my transportation options have been severely cut back—I find that it isn't worth the risk waiting for hours to be transported in a crowded bus; I’m still not 100% Covid-comfortable in large crowds. Last night’s preview, with the biggest turnout in years, was just barely tolerable. More Fine Art Previews…

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Nicole said...

One of my favorite parts of the exhibit is getting to hang out with you :)

Blogger jono said...

After years of missing out I might get a chance to go again. I'll be thinking about that for a few days.

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