Monday, January 15, 2024


It was taped to the inside of a cupboard in my Airbnb. I found this epigrammatic missive as I was cleaning up before I vacated the premises, my host was away, in Spain, but even if she had been there I would have probably been to shy to ask about these life instructions, this regimen for self-improvement. Most of it was just common sense, but some of the items gave me pause. It was dated 23 Ai/2019 on
the top and followed by a numbered list:
  1. Try to take vegetarian food.
  2. Never take fruit with curds/yogurt
  3. Apply oil to whole body and take a Shower (everyday).
  4. Soak the feet in hot/warm water with 2-3 tsp
    Sea Salt.
  5. Meditate at least once a day.
I found it curious that #1 was just a suggestion while #2 was in the form of a non-negotiable command. I had heard of this proscription before (never eat cherries with milk) but it never stopped me from enjoying fruit on my cottage cheese, is this a Zen thing? #3 seems to be in reverse order, followed by #4 which is a nice way to end the day. #5 wraps it up, I can see where this would make a good plan.

It becomes less ordered after that:

Breath = find happy me = apply pink = give happyness 2 all people and places
Stomach up          grownding
   down              „happy - share happy"

Good breathing is a foundation of wellness, no quibbles there, and ‘happy me’, ‘apply pink’, and ‘happyness to all people and places’ sounds like a delightful philosophy.

Púls → digestion, sleep, garbage, no one
to talk to, support, feel I cant
talk about this with child.
Bak, herdar, holar.
food -
Moondale green beans. ↕ Dagri(suced)kin
B Complex

Now it gets weird.

Púls, bak, herðar and holar are Icelandic words: pulse; back; shoulder; hollow, possibly referring to tension in the upper torso. Digestion, sleep, garbage, are things that need to be taken care of. But ‘no one to talk to’, and ‘feel that I cant talk to child about this’ are serious signifiers of some deeper problems. Who lived here? Who is in need of such basic human needs? Is it the artist whose borderline-creepy work decorates the flat, is it the person who created the Mother Theresa shrine? And what are Moon dale green beans? Dagri (suced) kin? I can understand B complex. Someone was in search of a re-balancing of their life, someone who was striving for homeostasis.

By Professor Batty


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