Monday, June 10, 2024

Tale of Burning Love

Living near a middle school, I often discover trash left behind by the young scholars.

Recently, I found a partially charred note was left on the sidewalk. Much of it had been consumed by fire but what remained was the chronicle of the end of an affair, but evidently not the end of passion’s fire:

I miss how he used to treat (me)
To the kisses the flowers …
We just sat there an(d) …
All night. When you le(ft) …
I lost a part of me id l(ost) …
memories and I wish we were on a …
more. But yeen* love me no more.
Yu cheated on me and when I
found out you said you did it to
not stress out. nigga go to the gym.
… … … … I wish I could
… … … … I just stood
… … … … walked
… … … … (an)ything
… … … … (ca)lled me
… … … … he
… … … … doing
… … … … …ed.
* slang for “you ain’t”

By Professor Batty


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