Monday, September 02, 2024

Ghost World

Pictures of places
Where you used to live
Time gone by
Memories give

A ghost town now
Silent and bare
Once was a community
Life everywhere

Ghost world we see
Past lives and dreams
Faded away
In still-framed scenes

When I moved in
Not much was left
Whispers of laughter
Echo of breath

History's shadow
In every stone
Where life once thrived
Now overgrown

Stories untold
Of days gone before
A vibrant world
Behind each door

Ghost world we see
Past lives and dreams
Faded away
In still-framed scenes

Concept and Imagery: Stephen Cowdery
Music: Suno

By Professor Batty


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                                                                                     All original Flippism is the Key content copyright Stephen Charles Cowdery, 2004-2024