My Old School - II

This section of my old junior high played a critical part in many of my youthful discoveries. The cafetorium was where we ate, and, with a change of seating, where we had our auditorium programs. I was on stage crew, I spent many hours in the control room (at the left side of the stage.) The cafetorium was where they held teen dances. I saw my first live rock band there, and it was where I first danced with a girl (Marvis Jenkins’ older sister.) The stage was also where my band played its first concert-without me-I was sick at home with German Measles!
I seem to remember an intense make-out session at the right side of the backstage area, that is a story for another time.
Dave said...
Jono said...
Professor Batty said...
It was also on that stage in 1974 or 1975 where we had a local band from the Northside play our Jr High dance. The band was called Grand Central, and featured several guys with the largest afros I had ever seen. Also, they had a pretty good guitar player: Prince.
I always assumed there was some hanky panky going on backstage in those alcoves.
Dave ~ Maybe the earliest Prince sighting!
Jono ~ I was a stage-door Batty.
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