Stealth in the Stacks

City Lights is a bookstore in San Francisco. Founded by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin in 1953, it remains a center for poetry and a diverse literary culture. The books of Icelandic Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness fit right in with the other leftist-taoist titles:

Since I started the Laxness in Translation website, I’ve been doing guerilla advertising for it in the form of cards inserted into his titles at various bookstores:

So what better place to culturally infiltrate than City Lights? I haven’t gotten any response yet, but that’s alright, it isn’t a competition.
See all the FITK San Francisco posts here.
Jono said...
Professor Batty said...
oroboros said...
Professor Batty said...
oroboros said...
That's a great idea, Batty!
I'm full of them! Or is it "I'm full of it?"
First time I witnessed that technique was about 35 years ago: the Fourth Way groups inserts in Gurdjieff/Ouspensky books at the Bodhi Tree bookstore in the Hollywood area.
I'll piggy-back to promote someone else, but not myself.
Good for you...I meant no criticism, just that the practice is long used. Talk about targeted ad audience; efficiency on the hoof...
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