Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Cable Knit

Another of The Weaver’s projects, half of a cable knit vest.

Knitting is one of those things that I appreciate but don’t understand.

How such intricate three-dimensional designs can be created using only yarn, two sticks and fingers  is way beyond me. Weaving I can suss out a little, the grid helps.

One textile worker who was a cut above was Anni Albers, one of the Bauhaus instructors who went on to become a seminal force in the modern artistic textiles movement. For a time she lived in a house that had also been lived in by Estrid Bannister Good, the muse/translator/editor that I had written about before. I still get hits on that piece, and even a comment from someone who knew Estrid. The house still stands, Anni and her husband Josef bequeathed it to an artist’s residency—Carraig-na-gcat—that looks tempting. If I had a worthwhile project (another novel?) it would be a truly worthwhile experience. From the prospectus:
Carraig-na-gcat is best suited for visual artists, as well as for writers, but all genres are welcome, the only criteria for applying being a true dedication to whatever you do. In order to benefit the most from their stay, participating artists must be open to let go of possible strategies of self-representation during their time at Carraig-na-gcat, and willing to live without Internet, while instead dwelling into the process of working, without knowing the outcome in advance.

That last part about “… not knowing the outcome in advance… ” fits me to a T in my artistic endeavors.

By Professor Batty


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