She Made a Difference
Sometimes it seems as if I'm always saying goodbye.
This is truly a sad day.
Yesterday AuĂ°ur Ă–sp, creator and proprietor of I ♥ ReykjavĂk, announced the closure of her popular Icelandic tourism web site. Another casualty of Covid-19, her business vanished in a single day when restrictions went into effect in March. She had been soldiering on and when the restrictions were partially lifted last month some work began trickling in again. Now that they have been re-tightened she has decided to finally throw in the towel. She is still young enough to pursue a different career with advantage of having run a successful business for many years.
It is also another final chapter of an era in my life. In the sixteen years since I began following her (and other Icelandic bloggers) in 2004 there have been several “revolutions” in the internet. Blogs, once trendy, now seem to be an anachronism from a bygone age (which is also a good description of me)—quaint and naive—replaced by Facebook, Twitter, ruthless commercial web sites and depressing news feeds. One constant throughout these often bewildering changes has been, for me at least, Auður’s openness and integrity in promoting Iceland in both nature and culture. The seeds she has planted with her various on-line and personal efforts have grown into beautiful flowers appreciated by thousands around the world. The discovery of Icelandic culture has been one of the best things to happen to me in my life; many of those discoveries were triggered by her writing.
Good luck AuĂ°ur, in all you do, you have made my world a better place.
Image: I ♥ ReykjavĂk
Image: I ♥ ReykjavĂk
jono said...
That is sad news. Blogs have been a major source of pleasure/entertainment/discovery/education for me since about 2007. It is generally healthier to read them than the daily doom scrolling I sometimes fall into. Still not sure if I'll start mine up again, although I have written a few thoughts and started taking a few pictures again. It was more than an escape from a bad marriage and things are a bit different now.
The Icelandic related blogs have been a real treat and I will miss AuĂ°ur. I miss the others that have come and gone, too.
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