They Might Be Giants

The place also sells groceries and pet food.
"Ya I'm goin' down to the lumber yard to pick up some grub for dinner, dontcha know..."
I suddenly feel uncharacteristically small.
"As we move through buildings, towns, and cities, we mentally connect visual cues from our surroundings to our needs and expectations. The satisfaction and richness of our experiences are largely the result of the ways in which these connections are made."
-Matthew Frederick
French wines, fine cheeses, a splendid assortment of fruit and other dainty comestibles greeted us on our arrival at the Princess Anne Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina. This could easily become a very bad habit, but one which would be so delightful to fall into:
Safe and sound (a week later), vacation a success, my dinner "dates" were charming, my breakfasts and lunches no so much (...and the password is: "Streak 'O Lean") ... Much more on Monday... Posts will be pre-dated to time-align my impressions...
My placid mind will soon be buffeted by that quality which it fears the most and, paradoxically, desires most: change.
A late afternoon of shopping for items for an upcoming North Carolina/Virginia trip ended at the Spoonriver Restaurant, with me gently nursing a Glenlivet whilst* attending a reading by Yuko Taniguchi, from her novel The Ocean in the Closet. It was a very intimate affair, Yuko, her publisher, and an audience of six.
Piggyface, Piggyface
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your piggyface lips!
You and your piggyface eyes!
You and your piggyface nose!
The Winter Project is a success with completion of the Tremolo (AKA "Vibrato") circuit in my Fender™ Deluxe Reverb amplifier. I'm so elated words fail me - I'll give you quotes from various "tremolo experts" instead...